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Стар 08-09-2009
Чък Норис Чък Норис не е на линия

Дата на присъединяване: Dec 2008
Местоположение: Пловдив
Мнения: 11,959
Благодари: 984
Получил благодарност:
7,337 пъти в 3,563 поста
Сваляния: 89
Ъплоуди: 24
По подразбиране ACamd latest - вече с CCcam подръжка


V <- V

- Info When starting with new version off ACamd first delete ACamd.ini...
- Added CCcam native client [cccamn] beta with EMM support
- Added Beta tunneling B: line, ECM and EMM, for cardreader to
- Added Multiple EMM's for Seca updates
- Added PAT, CAT and PMT load after channel sellect.
- Added option [Disable Key Delay (set it to 0)] default ON
- Changed Type error [Disable Client on Bad Connection] (and ini change)
- Changed DisableClientOnBadConnection changed default to OFF
- Changed DVBViewerStartupDelay from 1500 to 100
- Delete A: line (replaced with B: line)
- Delete Option [Newcamd disable check on ProviderId]
- Delete Ini Option Newcat
- Delete cache.ini

Свали от тук --->

Последно редактирано от Чък Норис : 08-09-2009 на 05:44
Отговори с цитат
Следните потребители (3) благодарят на Чък Норис за този полезен пост
miros123 (08-09-2009), thunderstorm6 (08-09-2009), Ники (10-09-2009)
Стар 08-09-2009
Чък Норис Чък Норис не е на линия

Дата на присъединяване: Dec 2008
Местоположение: Пловдив
Мнения: 11,959
Благодари: 984
Получил благодарност:
7,337 пъти в 3,563 поста
Сваляния: 89
Ъплоуди: 24
По подразбиране ACamd_0611

V <- V

- Added cardclients menu options [Force baudrate to 9600] and [Disable EMM]
- Added chidcache.ini for cache CHID faster firsttime decoding
- Added C: line, ACamd_PMT.txt filter/accept only CHID (when 1 or more entry(s) other CHID's filtered)
- Changed EcmRetryError from 4 to 999
- Changed DVBViewerStartupDelay from 100 to 1500
- Changed Rewritten CHID handling
- Changed CCcam now handeling all keys for 1 Index
- Changed CCcam optimizing
- Changed Newcamd better reconnecting
- Changed Lock ConnectionID now ony for ECM
- Changed When Multi ECM and only 1 provider and nothing found into cache then activate EMM to
- Delete Ini option ComX, ComX_6mhz
- Fixed now more then 1 smartcard reader
- Fixed Delte some old code [Newcamd disable check on ProviderId] (3K)
- Fixed CCcam native client, now more then 256 subkeys (crash)
- Fixed Gb*x MB*x now more then 256 .... (crash)

Свали от тук --->

Последно редактирано от Чък Норис : 08-09-2009 на 05:43
Отговори с цитат
Следните потребители (5) благодарят на Чък Норис за този полезен пост
thunderstorm6 (08-09-2009), Крал Артур (08-09-2009), Ники (10-09-2009), ТИНТИН (08-09-2009), филасат (08-09-2009)
Стар 08-12-2009
Аватара на thunderstorm6
thunderstorm6 thunderstorm6 е на линия
metal staff

Дата на присъединяване: Apr 2009
Местоположение: Sofia
Мнения: 1,226
Благодари: 784
Получил благодарност:
925 пъти в 580 поста
Сваляния: 329
Ъплоуди: 58
По подразбиране

Acamd 6.1.4

V <- V
- Added newcamd2 engine with chameleon support
- Added ACamdMonitor.exe for remote logging/settings, lot of new setting added
- Added experimental ACamd decoding only
- Added S: and s: for SID filtering
- Added add config option to cardclients and COM ports COM ports default
config numbers 1-5
- Added N: node filtering add preferred node, CCcamN
- Added PMT and CAT buffer into subdir ACamdTmp
- Added Seca2 and Seca3 filtering
- Changed C: option changed to c: , CHID C: for filtering and c: allow
- Changed removed default cardclient filtering from 1700/00ff to
0000/0000 (=none)
- Fixed lot of mem issues, when deleting stuff and unload ACamd
228" Paraclipse / 210см руска / SuperJack HARL 18" / 140см Пещерска / SuperJack HARL 18" / Inverto IDLP-SFLANGE White 0.3db / Inverto Twin White 0.3db / Schwaiger SPI1000.0 / SuperJack VBOXII / Moteck VBOXII / Dreambox 920UHD / Dreambox 525HD combo / Dreambox 8000HD PVR / Dreambox 520HD
Отговори с цитат
Следните потребители БЛАГОДАРЯТ на thunderstorm6 за този полезен пост :
Ники (09-12-2009)
Стар 17-12-2009
Аватара на thunderstorm6
thunderstorm6 thunderstorm6 е на линия
metal staff

Дата на присъединяване: Apr 2009
Местоположение: Sofia
Мнения: 1,226
Благодари: 784
Получил благодарност:
925 пъти в 580 поста
Сваляния: 329
Ъплоуди: 58
По подразбиране

V <- V
- Info Bugfix version
- Added Same ECM for more then 1 CAID
- Added cardclient Init mode, for change default parity and stop bits for each COM
- Added cardclient ReadWrite timeout
- Changed from v0.0.0.5 to v0.0.0.6 now working delay option
- Changed ACamdMonitor.exe from v0.0.0.1 to v0.0.0.2 tray icon and startoption -M option minimized
- Fixed lot of issues, newcamd2(stop) CCcamN(EMM) 184byte mode with long ECM, smartcard lock
- Fixed static channels, P: Preferred, etc......
228" Paraclipse / 210см руска / SuperJack HARL 18" / 140см Пещерска / SuperJack HARL 18" / Inverto IDLP-SFLANGE White 0.3db / Inverto Twin White 0.3db / Schwaiger SPI1000.0 / SuperJack VBOXII / Moteck VBOXII / Dreambox 920UHD / Dreambox 525HD combo / Dreambox 8000HD PVR / Dreambox 520HD
Отговори с цитат
Стар 09-01-2011
Аватара на thunderstorm6
thunderstorm6 thunderstorm6 е на линия
metal staff

Дата на присъединяване: Apr 2009
Местоположение: Sofia
Мнения: 1,226
Благодари: 784
Получил благодарност:
925 пъти в 580 поста
Сваляния: 329
Ъплоуди: 58
По подразбиране

V <- V
- Added Anysee support
- Added FTDI support (smargo)
- Added SoftCsa mode
- Changed When disable PMT or CAT scan, disable cache scan to
- Fixed PMT, missing some HD entries
- Fixed lot of small issues, CCcamN, EMM
- Removed Emubox03, GBoxN, MBoxN
- Same v0.0.0.6
- Update ACamdMonitor.exe v0.0.0.3

V <- V
- Info Bugfix version
- Fixed Newcamd2 tunneling only once, crc rebuild error
- Fixed MD-API engine stops when more then 256 filter actions
- Fixed DVBViewer GE works again, removed important callback function
- Fixed CCcamN trim password, sometimes spaces behind password when no use of closing :
- Fixed Emubox03
- Fixed Audio switch DVBViewer
- Changed NDS, EMM and cardclient
- Same v0.0.0.6
- Same ACamdMonitor.exe v0.0.0.2

V <- V
- Info Bugfix version
- Added Same ECM for more then 1 CAID
- Added smartcard Init mode, for change default parity and stop bits for each COM
- Added cardclient ReadWrite timeout
- Changed from v0.0.0.5 to v0.0.0.6 now working delay option
- Changed ACamdMonitor.exe from v0.0.0.1 to v0.0.0.2 tray icon and startoption -M option minimized
- Fixed lot of issues, newcamd2(stop) CCcamN(EMM) 184byte mode with long ECM, smartcard lock
- Fixed static channels, P: Preferred, etc......

V <- V
- Added newcamd2 engine with chameleon support
- Added ACamdMonitor.exe for remote logging/settings, lot of new setting added
- Added experimental ACamd decoding only
- Added S: and s: for SID filtering
- Added add config option to cardclients and COM ports COM ports default config numbers 1-5
- Added N: node filtering add preferred node, CCcamN
- Added PMT and CAT buffer into subdir ACamdTmp
- Added Seca2 and Seca3 filtering
- Changed C: option changed to c: , CHID C: for filtering and c: allow
- Changed removed default cardclient filtering from 1700/00ff to 0000/0000 (=none)
- Fixed lot of mem issues, when deleting stuff and unload ACamd

V <- V
- Added cardclients menu options [Force baudrate to 9600] and [Disable EMM]
- Added chidcache.ini for cache CHID faster firsttime decoding
- Added C: line, ACamd_PMT.txt filter/accept only CHID (when 1 or more entry(s) other CHID's filtered)
- Changed EcmRetryError from 4 to 999
- Changed DVBViewerStartupDelay from 100 to 1500
- Changed Rewritten CHID handling
- Changed CCcam now handeling all keys for 1 Index
- Changed CCcam optimizing
- Changed Newcamd better reconnecting
- Changed Lock ConnectionID now ony for ECM
- Changed When Multi ECM and only 1 provider and nothing found into cache then activate EMM to
- Delete Ini option ComX, ComX_6mhz
- Fixed now more then 1 smartcard reader
- Fixed Delte some old code [Newcamd disable check on ProviderId] (3K)
- Fixed CCcam native client, now more then 256 subkeys (crash)
- Fixed Gb*x MB*x now more then 256 .... (crash)

V <- V
- Info When starting with new version off ACamd first delete ACamd.ini...
- Added CCcam native client [cccamn] beta with EMM support
- Added Beta tunneling B: line, ECM and EMM, for cardreader to
- Added Multiple EMM's for Seca updates
- Added PAT, CAT and PMT load after channel sellect.
- Added option [Disable Key Delay (set it to 0)] default ON
- Changed Type error [Disable Client on Bad Connection] (and ini change)
- Changed DisableClientOnBadConnection changed default to OFF
- Changed DVBViewerStartupDelay from 1500 to 100
- Delete A: line (replaced with B: line)
- Delete Option [Newcamd disable check on ProviderId]
- Delete Ini Option Newcat
- Delete cache.ini

V <- V
- Info When starting with new version off ACamd.dll first delete ACamd.ini for best results...
- Added !!!!! chcache.ini for building static ch data !!!!!!
- Added camd35 add SID to ECM request (FFFF bug)
- Added NewCamdLoginAttemp option into ini (default=1)
- Added MultiEcmWait option into ini (default=2000 is 2 seconds) when no good decoding by using cache.ini sending other ECM after ...
- Added IrdetoStartDay (default 12339), 01-08-1997 = 10074, 01-01-2000 = 10957, 14-10-2003 = 12339 (days=unixtime/86400)
- Added COM ports 3, 4 and 5
- Added smartcard Irdeto on non 6Mhz device
- Added NewCamd Provider filter option, only Seca and Via (look at sample cardclient.conf) ...121314:0000006A,0000006C
- Added Menu option [Lock on ConnectionId] and [Disable Client on Badd Connection]
- Added ini option CachePath, path pointing to cache.ini and chcache.ini
- Added ini option RecordPath, path pointing to acamd recordings
- Added ini option NewCat when on then new way of scan correct EMM pid default off
- Changed When good decoding after ch switch, only that smartcard or carclient is used.
- Changed when a ch found by chcache.ini or ACamd_PMT.txt then no PMT and CAT Scan
- Changed smartcard ATR scan and Single byte processing for NDS
- Changed Rename Videoguard2 => NDS
- Fixed Multi package EMM's
- Fixed lot off small and some big things

V <- V
- Info Not tested Videoguard2, Cryptoworks, Nagra
- Added Videoguard2 smartcard access (beta)
- Added Cryptoworks smartcard access (beta)
- Added Nagra smartcard access (beta)
- Added Conax smartcard access (beta)
- Added DVBViewerStartupDelay option into ini for DVBViewer startup/init problems default 1500 (milliseconds)
- Added DisableNewcamdID option into ini for rqcs problem (default not disabled)
- Added Newcamd handshake check extra info (SatBazar)
- Changed Add index to Filtername (mediportal overwrites filter with same name)
- Changed Improved CAT to PMT (EMM to ECM)
- Changed Static entry now overrules [Multi Ecm]
- Changed Channel change DVBViewer recording and audio
- Changed DCWTweak default from on to off
- Changed Default KeyDelay 100 changed to 150
- Changed Emubox to version 0.3 (Emubox03) (beta)
- Fixed Gb*x(N) native client (beta) lot of things.
- Fixed no EMM handeling when [Multi Ecm]

V <- V
- Added Mb*x(N) native client (beta)
- Added ini option ForceGeMode
- Added [Disable monitor output] enable/disable
- Added Reset ECM when good EMM found
- Fixed wrong CHID reset
- Fixed Memory leak
- Fixed GB*x client to MBox
- Fixed get Wrong PMT, (now filter on SID)
- Fixed Vista hung with radegast/newcamd, (missing winsock stuff)
- Fixed no EMM handeling when disabled [Multi Ecm]

V <- V
- Added Active enable/disable, not for all processes
- Added Search enable/disable
- Added Display filter actions enable/disable
- Added Trayicon enable/disable
- Added Delete unused ECM(s) enable/disable
- Added Emubox 0.2 client (beta)
- Added Gb*x(N) native client (beta)
- Added Multi ECM support
- Added Multi client support, all activated PIDS send to all clients.
- Added DVBViewer PID filter (better native), for non complete transponder cards
- Added cache.ini for auto default ECM actions. (beta default on, when trouble turn it off)
- Added Added A: option into ACamd_PMT.txt rename after.
- Added MDAPIWait, some TV programs need some time for action creating removing filters
- Changed Network options, for better reconnect
- Changed Rewritten current Gb*x client
- Changed ACamd_PMT.txt when dubble PMT and SID then look at channelname
- Changed Default KeyDelay was 0 changed to 100
- Changed ResetProviderID changed to 0 default disable
- Changed PMT and CAT Scan enable/disable for DVBViewer activated
- Changed Rename, Ignore, Prefferd
- Fixed DVBCore ACamd not correct closed
- Delete EcmRetryWait
- Delete PremiumHack (now use R: or A: line)

V <- V [b1]
- Fixed Multiple instace
- Added Newcamd retry login
- Added Filter options ECM-Cache EMM-Cache and DCW-Cache
- Added Split ECM (only for DVBViewer)
- Changed Locking for DVBViewer, maybe bad result
- Delete Feynman

V [b1] <- V
- Added Trayicon
- Added Monitor info to file

V <- V
- Fixed DVB Viewer Pro, HD
- Fixed DVB Viewer GE, older versions
- Fixed Newcamd EMM filtering
- Fixed Zero EcmRetryWait did not work ok
- Changed Try next connection with same caid, cardclient and smartcard
- Added Caid/provider ignore option ACamd_PMT.txt [I:]
- Added Caid/provider rename option ACamd_PMT.txt [R:]

V <- V
- Fixed DVB Viewer Pro, multiple audio streams
- Changed Now try next connection with same caid
- Changed PacketRingBuffer < size, clear when full
- Added ini [EcmRetryWait=0] zero = off seconds wait before retry after max EcmRetryError
- Added ini [EcmRetryError=4] count ecm errors, when trigger then stops ecm proccessing
- Added DVB Viewer GE, support

V <- V
- Fixed Some hexdump display issues
- Fixed Conax
- Changed Display some more Feynman info
- Changed Zero serial with provider-id not filtered anymore
- Changed Removed Child-ID check for non Irdeto/Beta protocols
- Changed More space for PacketRingBuffer
- Added Premium Hack (not tested, put into ini)
- Added Gb*x add provider-id into pmt request
- Added Camd35 UDP protocol
- Added Default provider-id(s) option into ACamd_PMT.txt

V <- V
- Fixed Lot off small things...
- Fixed DVB Viewer locks
- Fixed Gb*x change to same channel, resend pmt request, reconnect after timeout
- Added Menuitem [Packets to 184] somtimes dvb-driver emulates 4 header bytes wrong, delete this 4 bytes
- Changed Now default for Irdeto PLAIN when no smartcard.conf

V <- V
- Added Irdeto camkey camkey-data (smartcard.conf)
- Fixed Irdeto PLAIN (smartcard.conf) now first try RSA, then fallback
- Fixed ProgDVB ECM and EMM Filter destroy
- Added Gb*x cardclient, UDP localhost en default ports 8003,8004,8005, No EMM Support
- Added Use of DVBCore applications
- Changed Location off the menu's
228" Paraclipse / 210см руска / SuperJack HARL 18" / 140см Пещерска / SuperJack HARL 18" / Inverto IDLP-SFLANGE White 0.3db / Inverto Twin White 0.3db / Schwaiger SPI1000.0 / SuperJack VBOXII / Moteck VBOXII / Dreambox 920UHD / Dreambox 525HD combo / Dreambox 8000HD PVR / Dreambox 520HD
Отговори с цитат
Следните потребители БЛАГОДАРЯТ на thunderstorm6 за този полезен пост :
Devnull (09-01-2011)
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