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Стар 09-11-2009
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По подразбиране G-box енциклопедия ( king of emulator)

Едно интересно виждане на колегата satworld от един друг форум за емулаторат Gbox.

This description was based on my experience with this emu and
free translation of the readme author
This is not the final version and will be further updated
Gbox is:
- An emulator for the system: ******, Seca, ********, Nagravision, *****, Cryptoworks.
- Season emulator for ****** Cam.
- Softcam: ******, Seca, ********, Nagravision, *****, Cryptoworks, ***.
- Multipid logger: logging while multiple ECM and EMM
- Card-sharing client and server (peer to peer) locally and via the internet.
- GSMS Messageing system (sending a text message with the tuner to a receiver).
How to install Gbox in tuner with Linux:
Gbox.ppc install the file in var / bin possibly dbox neutrino var / emus and change
attribute to 755
Gbox_cfg files, crypto, *****, ******, Nagra, ***, seca, via, cwshare.cfg, softcam.cfg,
ignore.list,, s2issuer.b, s2provid.b, and all the files from the nagra.rom
var / keys
In order to use sharingu should redirect the UDP port on the router so how ustailismy in
cwshare.cfg, and if we also share our cards plugged into the port is cs2gbox
also need to redirect.
Gbox also allows the redirection of card-based server to server newcamd
Gbox server with cs2gbox.
Cs2gbox.ppc install the file in var / bin or var / emus and change the attribute to 755 and the file
cs2gbox.cfg to var / keys
For this we set up a script that we odpali emulator but it already depends on the
What image we have.
Gbox how to configure:
In order to make the emulator started it first be properly set up and do it in
File gbox_cfg
Trace / Debug
# Xx yz; xx = 00 does not save the console
# Xx yz; xx = 01 saves on the console
# Xx yz, y = 0 debug off
# Xx yz, y = 1 debug enabled
# Xx yz, z = 0 never write
# Xx yz, z = 1 write in / var / tmp / debug.txt
# Xx yz; with = 2 writes the UDP port (can be redirected to login, for example, UDP port
From: (01 10) 8024
Type of task
# 00 ** normal mode Gbox (no season, with the use of Multicam)
# 01 ** Season Simulation in ****** allcam chid 0602
# 10 ** Season Simulation in ****** allcam chid 1702
# 11 ** Season Simulation in ****** allcam chid 1702 Z
# 12 ** Season Simulation in ****** allcam chid 1722 Z
# 13 ** Season Simulation in ****** allcam chid 1762 Z
# ** * 1 Com port in the simulation uŜyty Season (1 or 2)
# ** 0 * UŜyj for detecting CTS RTS
# ** 1 * UŜyj DCD for the detection of RTS
# ** ** 9600 = Baudrate uŜyj (only dbox2)
In: (00 00) 9600
Working Gbox
# 00 Emus
# 01 SoftCam (when card in the slot), Emu (when no card slot)
# 02 Customer Internet
# 03 all options !!!!! always used this option !!!!!
G: (03)
Display ECM messages on the console
# 00 does not show the ECM
# 01 show only valid ECM
# 02 show valid and bad ECM with a complete illustration of the data
C: (00)
Display EMM messages on the console
# * 0 do not show EMM
# * 1 show only valid EMM
# * 2 show valid and bad EMM with a complete illustration of the data
# 1 * log change for p ***** re Word for Nagra provider for 17xx
/ var / keys / pwupdate.log
M: (00)
# 00 is ignored
# 01 included in the AU
# 02 Auto AU included !!!!! always used this !!!!!
A: (02)
Update key
# 01 update only new keys
# 02 updates the keys
U: (01)
Hash pidów
# 00 decodes all pidy not used this setting (it is only for testing purposes)
# 01 decodes only pidy which algorithms and keys are known, always use this option!
H: (01)
Path to file with the keys
# 00 keys in / var / keys
# 01 keys in / var / tmp
T: (00)
Viewing card information contained in multicamie pinned under com1/com2
# 00 off display
# 01 display information on the card for the neutrino
# 02 display information on the card for the neutrino in the new format nhttpd
# 03 display information on the card for Enigma
A: (00)
Login using UDP port
# 00 seen off
# 01 login enabled (IP / UDP)
L: (00) 8017
Configuration readers
# * X **, x = number uŜytego device (0 = sloppy)
# D * **; use of voltage / proc / bus / GTX for CW operation of writing (in the dbox2 Gbox by
CW directly, 00 is the recommended mode! Drivers are not required) The use D * **
Only when we have a problem
# F * **; write the CW boxach processor with STB04xxx and uŜywających PVR
# ** Y *, y = 0001b (0x1 *) uŜyj slot1 as Multicam (only STB04xxx)
# ** Y *, y = 0010b (0x2 *) uŜyj slot2 as Multicam (only STB04xxx)
# ** Y *, y = 0011b (0x3 *) uŜyj slot1 and slot2 as Multicam (only STB04xxx)
# ** * Z, z = 0001b (0x * 1) uŜyj com1 as Multicam
# ** * Z, z = 0010b (0x * 2) uŜyj com2 as Multicam
# ** * Z, z = 0011b (0x * 3) uŜyj com1 and com2 as Multicam
# ** Yz, yz = 00110011b (0x33) uŜyj slot1 + slot2 + com1 + com2 as Multicam
# ** * Z, z = 0100b (0x * 4) reverse CTS detection on com1
# ** * Z, z = 1000B (0x * 8) turn away CTS detection on com2
# Example: yz = 0x0A = 00001010 (uŜyj com2 with inverted CTS detection line)
V: (F0 35)
Additional options konfiuracji Gbox:
RS232 SSSP mode
P # (xy)
# X debug messages, 1 = enabled, 0 = off
# S use a COM port (0 = off, 1 = com1, 2 = com2)
R: (12)
Ways to save cpu, api, cw
# J: (01 00 00 01 01)
# Where:
# 00 car
# 01 80x86
# 02 MPC823
# 03 IBM STB04xxx
# 00 car
# 01 ibm
# 02 api2
# 03 api3
# 00 cw write style = uŜyj only internal procedures (only dbox2)
# 01 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type1 (dbox2, vdr)
# 02 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type2
# 03 cw write style = CA_SET_DESCR type3
# 04 cw write style = 16 byte / proc / bus / GTX
# 05 cw write style = 4096 byte / proc / bus / GTX, cw offset = 0x04D0
# Xx write cw in 1st device with index = xx
# Yy write cw in 2nd device with index = yy
# 01 of the index is equal to 0 (default)
# 02 of the index is equal to 1
# 03 is the index of 0 and 1
# .. Sample connection bit ...
# FF means with all eight indices (0-7)
An example of how through the line J can fire up Gbox on Relooku:
# J: (03 02 02 01 01)
Files, folders, devices, here we give no standard path to the settings
# F: (01) / var / tmp / pmt.tmp / / path to the folder pmt
# F: (02) / var / tmp / / / path to folder, logon emm
# F: (03) / var / tmp / / / path to file
# F: (04) / var / tmp / atack.txt / / path to file atack.txt
# F: (11) / var / keys / / folder path to the configami
# F: (12) / var / tmp / / tmp path to a folder
# F: (13) / var / tmp / / path to the folder with the keys to the tmp
# F: (21) / dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0 / / ca device
# F: (22) / dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 / dvr device
# F: (23) / dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 / / demux device
# F: (31) / dev/dvb/adapter0/ca1 / / second ca device cw recorder (recording)
# F: (41) / dev/sci0 / STB04xxx slot1
# F: (42) / dev/sci1 / STB04xxx slot2
# F: (43) / dev/tts/0 / / rs232 com1
# F: (44) / dev/tts/1 / / rs232 com2
for example, if you want to put a card reader on the outside should be in addition to the
gbox_cfg in the line # V: (xx) x5 voltage to rs232 here and must be provided to the path
# F: (43)
Force to change the name to `a season or a device plugged into the RS232 SSSP
# F: (45) / dev/ttyS1
By default, the card works at frequencies 3.579 MHz and 6 MHz, Gbox should
automatically detect what type of card dealing. However, if there are problems with
running some cards should try to overclock it by poniŜszych options:
# 1 = 7.80MHz 2 = 6.30MHz 3 = 5.25MHz 4 = 4.50MHz 5 = 3.94MHz 6 = 3.50MHz 7 = 3.15MHz
# F: (51) 02 / / ******
# F: (52) 03 / / seca
# F: (53) 03 / / ********
# F: (54) 03 / / nagra
# F: (55) 03 / / crypto
# F: (57) 03 / / *****
# F: (58) 03 / / ***
Those who want to overclock the card, for example, figures, should be the provider and odhaszować
possibly change the value of the buckle:
F: (52) 03
Cards operating in the frequency of 6 MHz are working 68% faster and more stable. Can only
a problem with the card Nagra (ROM 11)
According to the experiences of colleagues with Polsat Cyfrowy card to card
work properly it must be overclocked by poniŜszego example:
F: (54) 03
Option pinging our server for others to see whether they are online (time
given in seconds):
F: (A0) 300
Disable direct access to the serial port on i86 platforms
Direct access is used to the unusual speed settings if you want to 3.57 MHz
6 MHz in the reader ...
A1 = 0 - this is a standard setting
# A1 = 1 - used only if we have problems with ioperm or want to hook the reader
adapter card into the usb-rs232
# F: (A1) 0
Gbox sharing on:
Sharing or sharing in the cards Gbox is via file cwshare.cfg (important
to have the external IP, or ask the administrator of our network to redirect our
Tuner a UDP port)
For there was a connection between the entry is necessary peerami lines M: and D:
Line of M: it consists of our domain name and password separated clasps (attention should be paid
M: ( 1234ABCD ())
Even if we have to recommend using the IP domain, because when you type in the IP
line M: This will not be seen Gbox peers who have domain lines D:
A password and any records in the Gbox is done by using HEX namely: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F password create yourself.
Ruler C: consists of a domain name or IP of the Peer attach, ports, passwords, and Peer
powers that we give him (level)
D: (domain (port1 port2 (password (level1 level2))))
# PEER 1
D: ( (2233 4455 (3412CDAB (3 3))))
PEER # 2
D: (195.354.123.23 (2233 1111 (0123BCDE (A3 A3))))
# The local box
D: ( (2233 3322 (FE32BCA6 (A1 A1))))
As shown in line D: we can enter the IP, as one of the peers has a fixed but it must have
line M: domain
Port1 defines the UDP port, which is piped to our box
Port2 is the port the UDP which redirect to its peer box
Password in Config can not be repeated because we leap fatal error
Level1 determines the number of levels that we peerowi to be able to send more cards, which
we have slots
Level2 defines the number of levels that we peerowi to be able to send more cards, which themselves
The letter A Levels before you can send sharingu *** cards and packages BskyB
Adequately to record our PEER 1 will have a record of cwshare.cfg:
M: ( 3412CDAB ())
D: (4455 2233 ( 1234ABCD ((3 2))))
M: (()) 0123BCDE
D: ( (1111 2233 (1234ABCD (A3 A3))))
And the local box:
M: ( ()) FE32BCA6
D: ( (3322 2233 (1234ABCD (1 1))))
Ruler sharingu configuration is N:
N: (00 01 03 00 4000 6000)
00 - considering every EMM only once
01 - repeat EMM
01 - resume pid
1 * - reset ENX on every channel change
* 1 - check / reset ENX freezes the image on the Clear
* 2 - check / reset ENX freezes the image on the channel paid
* 3 - check / reset ENX freezes on the image and Clear Channel paid
00 - do not write anything in atack.txt
01 - Write on atack.txt if the password is wrong
02 - Write on atack.txt when the ID is unknown
04 - Write on atack.txt when IP is bad
08 - Write on atack.txt when the port is bad
10 - Write on atack.txt share.stat
20 - Create your online.log where deposits are connecting and disconnecting peers in our
3F - print all
4000 - ask a question again about the ECM after 4 seconds when not getting answers
6000 - will again try to decode after 6 seconds if no decode the first
The next parameter is X, which determines how many cards from one provider to SLAC Gbox
Question of the ECM
X: (A) means that Gbox be sent urgent requests to 10 cards with each provider
Another parameter is I:, which determines how many levels is to send forth Gbox requests ECM
I: (2) means that Gbox requests will be despatched to the ECM, only cards that are up to
the second level
Parameters X and I: determine the number of cards on the server where the limit is 1024 card (if
we exceed this value to the Gbox may become unstable)
Gbox also enables the favoring of certain cards and their ignoracje. To serve this
parameters of G: and Y: in file cwshare.cfg
Parameter G: allows you to enter any number of cards from the provider and will not
limited parameter X:
Allows us to identify cards, which go full Gbox packages and will be favored and
saw the first script regardless of what level they go (to a level which
And we set the parameter
example, entering our native platforms papers
# Digit +
G: (01000065 XXXX)
# Phat
G: (18017001 XXXX)
# Tvn
G: (0B000000 XXXX)
where XXXX is the ID Box, which has these cards in slots
also if you have a piece of suspicious that it could be just typing wyignorować
ID Box, which holds that slot in your card
Y: (XX)
where XX XX is the ID models supported
In addition, the card can indicate the slot located in the pidy and sidy is to decode
of our cards with the parameters: and S:
W: (0A 0B 0C) where:
A - number of slot in which the card
B - data of the owner of the card:
0 - card not be used
1 - card used all pidy
2 - card used following pidy
C - data users in the network
0 - not be used in our cards
1 - allow all used pidów
2 - The use permit following pidów
Sample entry:
In: (01 01 02) 06A5 06aDE, which tells us that the card slot in which we first
owner uses all pidów but users of the network can only use the pidów
06A5 (HBO) and 06aDE (HBO2)
Record W: (01 01 02) 1FFF sets all of the cards pidy
Similarly, we do an entry for the parameter S:
S: (0A 0B 0C)
A - number of slot in which the card
B - data of the owner of the card:
0 - card not be used
1 - card used all sidy
2 - card used following sidy
C - data users in the network
0 - not be used in our cards
1 - allow all used sidów
2 - The use permit following sidów
slots in Gbox define as follows:
01 - slot 1
02 - Slot 2
03 - com1 card1
10 - com1 card8
11 - com2 card1
18 - com2 card8
Gbox sharing on the use of server-based protocol Newcamd
As you know, not all packages can still sharować Gbox network without problems,
example is our chociaŜby Poland Cyfrowy Polsat platform. Used for this purpose
cs2gbox, as the name suggests the CardSerwera to Gbox.
In order not to paste the entire Config posłuŜę a scrapbook with cardserwera which is NewCS:
<parity> odd </ parity>
<export> yes </ export>
<enabled> yes </ enabled>
<blocksa> No </ blocks>
<blockua> No </ blockua>
<blockga> No </ blockga>
<boxkey> 0000000000 </ boxkey> <PTShandshake> no </ PTShandshake>
<crypto-special> no </ crypto-special>
<carddetect> no </ carddetect>
<newcamd_port> 10,645 </ newcamd_port>
It is important for Polsat cards (and other users of the system Nagravision) to enter the boxkey
red box
We then create an account for yourself:
<enabled> yes </ enabled>
<name> cardserver </ name>
<deskey> 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 </ DESKEY>
<userfile> </ userfile>
<name> user </ name>
<password> dummy </ password>
<au> on </ au>
</ user>
<name> hiszpan </ name>
<password> dummy </ password>
<au> on </ au>
</ user>
</ newcamdserver>
Newcs.xml configured correctly placed in the tuner in / var / tuxbox / config
Then we set up a file that cs2gbox.cfg placed in / var / keys
Binaries, of course, put in / var / bin and we give the attributes of 755
Configuration cs2gbox.cfg looks very much like a file cwshare.cfg:
M: ( DCCB6554 ())
if we send forth to the network card that can be in M: enter the IP wewętrzne tuner that is in
this case:
Peerzy connecting directly into the card cs2gbox see included in the line C: the distance of 1
It is important that the level cs2gbox consisted only of numbers (the letter A is permeable ***
applicable only in cwshare)
D: ( (2230 4455 (3412CDAB (3 3)))) # colleague netu
D: (195.354.123.23 (2230 1111 (0123BCDE (3 3)))) # colleague netu
D: ( (2230 3322 (FE32BCA6 (1 1)))) # our second local box
D: ( (2230 2233 (1234ABCD (5 5)))) # box on our server, and where we
C: (phat 10645 user dummy 12000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Отговори с цитат
Следните потребители (2) благодарят на ТИНТИН за този полезен пост
thunderstorm6 (09-11-2009), Ники (09-11-2009)

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